
Monday, May 31, 2010

memorial day weekend

Happy birthday mom.....
my moms birthday was on Friday.. we did Vegas in the day and dinner at home with the fam! hope you had a great day mom!

Saturday/Sunday... brax and I layed by the pool and relaxed it was definitely needed!
we also went to sand hallow and let moxie and Mollie sue run in the sand and swim in the lake! Mollie sue would swim out and save us just like a rescue dog! good girl Mollie sue!

I dont really know how this is the same dog??? but i guess im just lucky that mox looks better dry!

Monday... we painted Vivie's room!!! I dint think i officially announced that Allie is having a baby and its a GIRL! it was a family event to paint baby Vivie's room PINK...its a first step to many more steps!

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