Happy Easter! I love Easter so much! Its so fun to get a basket and hunt for eggs and sit in the sun and of course go to grams for Easter dinner!!! Such a fun day! thanks again mom and dad for the baskets!
Easter eve was so much fun this year!! we had dinner and dyed Easter eggs..Even an ice cream truck came down the street!So we all got ice cream and opened up our PJ's for bunch on Easter morning! thanks mom and dad!
Of My Affection has the cutest studio! its right in Ancestor Square and the best part is they let you rent it out! they have the cutest props and furniture! we got to take so many cute pics here is just a few.. thanks malea and serena!
my gram put together lunch and easter egg hunt for the kids! it was so fun and she did such a great job! you cant beat cafe Rio and cupcakes! thanks gram!
The girls went to SLC to see mark Mcgrath at riverwoods!! Yes it was snowing so we had to put on a million layers but it was so worth it! We were right up front so we could see him so well!! Such a fun girls night! They also had Jimmer come on stage right before sugar ray came on and dont worry we all got trampled so people could touch him and give him a fist pump...lets just say im not jimmers biggest fan.But other than a minor jimmer trample we had tons of fun and mark you are the best thing EVER! see you in 2 weeks :)! PS make sure you watch the video untill the end ..thats the best part!